
Health and Nutrition

What nutrients? 

Each molecule in the body is produced by nutrients and nutrients are more than 45. These nutrients build molecules, cells and tissues body.We get energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats that we eat. 

These are called macronutrients. These macro nutrients are broken down / metabolized to give energy to the body. 

Vitamins and minerals (called micronutrients) are not themselves metabolized for energy, but they help to convert the macro-nutrients into energy are important. 

What is a healthy diet? 

Optimal nutrition is individualized to meet your specific needs. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) food pyramid shows that we are fat "sparingly," and that our daily diet include 2 to 3 servings of dairy products; 2-3 servings of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans or nuts; 3-5 servings of vegetables; 2-4 servings of fruit; and 6-11 servings of bread, cereal, rice or pasta. 

These are general guidelines. A healthy diet depends on many factors such as age, sex, body size, pregnancy and health. A clinical nutritionist or nutritionally oriented doctor can help you determine what type of diet is best for you. 

As you know it is important to eat healthy, it is not always easy to sort all available about nutrition and food choices of information. 

Diet plays an important role in human well-being. Nutrition should play a leading role to play in improving our quality of life. Nutrition is the key to the reduction of body fat. 

Better nutrition strengthening the immune system, less illness and better health. Better nutrition is a prime entry point to ending poverty and a milestone to create a better quality of life. Healthy food and a healthy diet are important for everyone. 

Basic nutrition knowledge is constantly taking shape every day, producing new diet trends to an audience of more and more people who want the latest and know how to achieve their fitness goals. 

Get the nutrition facts and discover how you can use dietary recommendations to improve your health. As you get older, getting a diet rich nutritionally becomes even more important. The relationship between diet and health is necessary to achieve optimal health. 

Good nutrition is a clear path to optimize our quality of life. An important starting point for optimum health is to achieve optimum nutrition and get the proper nutrients from the food. 

Diet and nutrition are the main preventive measures against the disease. 

Read labels and a diet that is rich in vitamins and nutrients ideal for a healthy diet. Research confirms that good nutrition in the early years of life is crucial for human growth and mental development. 

The study of human nutrition dates back to the 18th century, when the French chemist Lavoisier discovered that there. Relationship between the metabolism of food and the process of respiration 

The field of clinical nutrition has evolved into a practice that is increasingly integrated into traditional medical treatment. The term "dietary supplement" refers to vitamins, minerals and other food components that are used to support good health and treat disease. 

A clinical nutritionist or nutritionally oriented doctor can help you determine what type of diet is best for you. 

During the initial phase of the visit, the clinical nutritionist will ask you questions about your medical history, family history and personal lifestyle. 

In hospitals, the supply must be used to improve the overall health of patients with a variety of conditions. Effects of exercise and nutrition on postural balance and risk of falling in older people with reduced bone mineral density: randomized controlled pilot study. 

Healthy Lifestyle 

Healthy people are stronger, are more productive and create progressively into the situation, the possibilities, the cycles of poverty and hunger in a sustainable way. 

Heart disease, cancer and strokes: A healthy diet is to reduce the risk of many diseases, including the three leading causes of death. A healthy diet is essential to good health and is a key element in human healthy development from years of prenatal and early childhood later stages of life. 

A healthy diet is also important to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. We spend a lot of money for food, but there are ways to cut costs and serve healthy and delicious meals. 

When you choose healthy foods instead of sugary or high-fat you can actually improve your health by additional phytonutrients and fiber foods. Breakfast foods should be healthy, but they tend to be high in fat and sugar. 

We always hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why ruin a healthy breakfast. 

Good nutrition is essential to good health, disease prevention, and essential for healthy growth and development of children and adolescents. Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet. 

Many of us work very hard to eat healthy meals, but struggle with the urge to candy, cookies, cakes, ice cream and anything else full of sugar and sweetness. Most experts agree that snacking is a part of a healthy and balanced diet, as long as the snacks do not build up on empty calories. 

If all efforts go wrong, and you order pizza or serve another meal that does not reflect a healthy diet, you still have many options to healthier. Almost everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are a very important part of a healthy diet. 

With a well-stocked pantry and refrigerator a busy cook best weapon in the fight against the use of fast food, high fat, unhealthy meals possible. Fresh oil is a source of essential fatty acids, which keep the skin healthy and shiny hair help. 

We believe eating sensibly, combined with appropriate exercise, is the best solution for a healthy lifestyle. 


When you choose healthy foods instead of sugary or high-fat you can actually improve your health by additional phytonutrients and fiber foods. The goal is to balance negative foods with positive foods so that the combined rate of all food consumed in one day positive. 

If you want to restrict your caloric intake without feeling hungry, find foods highest in any vitamin or mineral or lowest in carbs, saturated fat, sugar or want. Our overall health is partially driven by the types of food we consume. 

Suitable for vegetable oils for frying, the oils are hydrogenated, so trans fats are commonly found in fried foods like french fries and donuts. Trans fats, beyond a limit, are not good for our health. 

Hydrogenation of liquid oils solidifies and increases the lifetime and the stability of the flavor oils and foods containing them. Other sources of trans fatty acids are vegetable oils, some margarines, crackers, cookies, snacks and other foods. 

Since trans fats increase the shelf life of a product, many foods and pre-made preparations (for example, some pancake mixes and pizza dough) contain trans fats. 

The solution: If possible, eat unprocessed foods, whole, fresh. Taken when purchasing packaged, at least as much time reading labels and selecting products that you are choosing a shower gel or shampoo foods. 

Good nutrition is essential to good overall health, but contains the best foods in your meals, and which should be avoided. 

Fast food has a lot more popular in recent times and the world of indignation caused by the loss of fast food is to be on the rise. 

Be aware that there is little scientific data on the effect of so-called functional --foods added vitamins, minerals, herbs or other dietary substances food - despite their growing popularity in the market and allegations positive effects. 

Some common foods, including nuts, wheat gluten, dairy products, fish, shrimp, soy, bananas and eggs may trigger allergic reactions. 


Add fat meals taste and give a feeling of fullness when eaten. When you choose healthy foods instead of sugary or high-fat you can actually improve your health by additional phytonutrients and fiber foods. 

Breakfast foods should be healthy, but they tend to be high in fat and sugar. The human brain is almost entirely composed of unsaturated fatty acids. 

You're missing more fat when you go to the dressing fat-free or low fat. We need fats to absorb all the beneficial elements of salads and other fruits and vegetables. Find out which are the right types of fat, creating a beautiful soft skin and a healthy body. 

Eating whole foods is a good way to get a lot of snacks and foods that contain a lot of extra sugar, fat (including trans fat), salt, and other things they have absorbed many good things out, as more fiber.In replace food in the free and low-fat fat, low-fat foods are healthy most fruits and vegetables. 

Mined are carbohydrates, proteins and fats (called macronutrients) (metabolized) by the body's energy. 
For example, lowering fat intake and cholesterol and adding whole grains to the diet can prevent atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in the arteries) which can lead to heart disease or stroke. 

Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential components of cells and can protect the heart against, for example, fatal arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm) fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids found in cold water fish (such as herring, tuna and salmon) have been reported to reduce inflammation and can prevent the effects of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis. 

Healthy food and a healthy diet are important for everyone. Basic nutrition knowledge is constantly taking shape every day, producing new diet trends to an audience of more and more people who want the latest and know how to achieve their fitness goals. 

Did you know that you greatly reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer through healthy eating and recommended by the Dietary Guidelines? 

Proper nutrition is a powerful good: be people who are well fed rather healthy, productive and able to learn. 

Good nutrition benefits families, their communities and the world at large. Malnutrition is, by the same logic, devastating.

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