
Fast Food Nutrition

A new study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry shows that children who are malnourished exposure increased significantly from behavioral disorders and aggressive behavior as they grow. The study focused on children aged eight to 17 years, and found some rather shocking statistics about their behaviors. 

Children who have suffered certain nutritional deficiencies demonstrated a shocking 41% increase in assaults and eight. At 17, showed a 51% increase in violent and antisocial behavior. The only difference is their diet. It is the food they ate and the missing nutrients. 

What specific nutrients missing from their diets? Four primary nutrients were considered in the study: zinc, iron, vitamins and proteins B. Malnourished children were not getting the essential minerals such as zinc and iron, and they did not receive the B vitamins they need to develop healthy nervous systems. And nervous system in good health is a prerequisite for health and mental and emotional stability. 

We will now discuss these nutrients in a little more detail and explore why these nutritional deficiencies are so widespread. Zinc is perhaps the single most common nutritional deficiency in the American population. It is estimated that over 80% of the population is zinc deficient. Because of this gap, the immune system of people are unhappy, they are unable to resist infectious diseases such as influenza, are not able to heal their wounds faster and are not able to recover Quick surgery as if they could zinc. It also affects the developing fetus in pregnant women and impairs neurological function. 

However, zinc is cheaper! It costs only pennies a day to supplement our diet with zinc. In fact, it is one of the lowest you can get supplements. But in our country, we still have chronic widespread deficiencies. And as we see in studies of this kind, our lack of zinc is now - say bluntly - criminals. 

Why do we have so many criminals  in this country? Because many nutritional imbalances which then distorts their mental function, mood, stress response and its ability to succeed in modern society arise. At least those are the main factors. 

Sonic Nutrition

At the same time, we have deficiencies in vitamin B, which is interesting because most of the popular food items sold in grocery stores across the country and around the world actually deplete the body of B vitamins two most common ingredients in our diet word of white flour and sugar. It is difficult to find a product at the grocery store, apparently, not made ​​with flour or some form of added sugar, or sucrose, corn syrup, high fructose corn dextrose or just raw sugar. These two ingredients are both highly refined ingredients, and they tend to strip nutrients from the bodies of those who eat them. For example, when a person eats a donut, which contains a gift of white flour and added sugars, which deplete the body of B vitamins, causing deficiencies. And it is these gaps that lead to antisocial behavior, aggression and criminal behavior ultimately - especially in men 

1 comment:

  1. maggie.danhakl@healthline.comJanuary 12, 2015 at 5:24 AM


    I thought you might find this interesting. Healthline has compiled a list of the Effects Fast Food on the Body in a visual graphic and I thought you and your readers would be interested in seeing the information.

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    Let me know what you think and have a great week.

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    Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager
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