
Fruit Nutrition Facts

Apples are a good source of vitamin A and C and ward off colds and infections. They are powerful blood purifiers and benefit the blood and lymph systems. 

Apple juice is a wonderful cleanser, perfect for a weight loss diet and useful as a general tonic. 

A medium size apple as around 100 calories. 

Grapes, fresh pineapple and kiwi are fabulous for your skin. 

Grapes nutrition facts: 

Grapes are often in elimination diets and because of its powerful cleaning action and their ability to boost metabolism. The high magnesium content promotes intestinal transit and proper functioning of the kidney. 

The grape juice is also good blood and liver and the cleaner removes unwanted uric acid in the body. Grapes are rich in potassium, which supports kidney function, strengthens the heartbeat and keeps the skin fresh and healthy. 

The grapes are well known to cleanse the system. Black grapes are rich in iron, which makes them good blood builders. Hand grapes on your weight loss diet is full of a good snack. 

There are about 100 calories in a cup of raisins. 

Pineapple nutrition facts: 

Because of their high vitamin C content pineapples are considered a result of protection. The juice is good for reliving constipation and poor digestion and a combination of vitamin C. Acids and enzymes are very preliminary pineapple and a great boost for detox diets. 

Pineapple can also be used to relieve a sore throat. Beta-carotene, folic acid, potassium, iodine, calcium and magnesium are found in some of the nutrients of the pineapple. 

Kiwi Nutrition Facts: 

Kiwi contains twice as much vitamin C as oranges. They are also rich in potassium, which helps to prevent colds and flu. Kiwi fruit should be firm, but not hard. 

Lemon and Lime nutrition facts 

Lemons and limes are rich in vitamin C. They contain up to four times the amount of citric acid as oranges or grapefruits. 

The citric acid content is very high rid of getting rid of toxins. Lemons are also good for sore throat and are often used for colds and flu. 

Mango Nutrition Facts: 

Mangoes are one of my favorites. They are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and potassium. The ripe mangoes contain more beta-carotene, it is. They are great cleaning and disinfecting blood and the body can be helpful to get rid of body odor. 

Orange Nutrition Facts: 

Oranges are one of the richest sources of vitamin C, they help against a variety of conditions to protect against colds and flu to heart disease and stroke health assessments very high. To avoid your nutrients premature wrinkles and sagging skin. 

When juice peel the skin but leaves the marrow that is where all the good nutrients. Other nutrients are vitamin A and vitamin B bioflovonoids, pectin, amino acids, potassium, zinc and phosphorus. 

Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron and a glass of orange juice a day can effectively double the amount of iron for use in the body available. The high content of citric acid in orange is most effective in cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and toxins and waste acids into cells. For this reason, it is often included in diets eliminative orange juice. 

Banana Nutrition Facts: 

Every time I shop and I feel hungry me the first thing that comes to mind is a banana. Everyone I know likes their bananas a little different. I love my ripe with freckles on, some like it, others when they just soft and gentle on. If you cook when you are green to get more iron from them at this stage. 

Bananas are very nutritious, they contain vitamin C and fiber. They have no fat or cholesterol. Vitamin C, which helps to keep the body to defend and heal against infections. 

Potassium is the mineral in bananas that builds muscles. With a banana before participating in the exercise will kick you instant inch and energy. 

The body burns calories from carbohydrates more easily and quickly than calories from protein or fat. They are free of sodium and high in potassium. A banana and a glass holding water for two hours before hunger. 

1 medium banana has about 100 calories. 

Pear Nutrition Facts: 

Pears are high in vitamin C and the B vitamins and minerals potassium, phosphorus and iron, pear juice is good for digestion and helps normalize bowel. It is a valuable addition to elimination diets because of its mild diuretic and laxative. Pears are urinary and gastrointestinal cleaners due to its high pectin. 

Strawberry nutrition facts: 

Strawberries are also a good source of vitamin C, beta carotene, potassium, calcium and iron. With their values ​​cleaning, they are also good for eliminationist regimes. They are very high in sodium, it keeps you young, and potassium content is also good for the skin. Potassium and iron helps to strengthen the blood. Beta-carotene and vitamin C high helps keep colds and infections and fighting to prevent cancer and heart disease. 

Peach nutrition facts: 

Peaches are a good source of beta-carotene. They also contain a portion of B vitamins and vitamin C, minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. Peach juice is wonderful for alkalizing and cleanses the intestines and promotes good circulation of the intestine. Drinking pear juice will improve your skin and eyesight and help prevent against cancer and heart disease. 

Apricot Nutrition Facts: 

Apricots are especially high in beta-carotene, compared to all other fruits; therefore stand as a cancer fighter. You can help prevent cancer of the lung, esophagus, stomach, bladder and neck, and their high vitamin C intake protects against colds and flu. 

The nutritional value BlackBerry: 

Blackberries a rich source of vitamin C with good amounts of beta-carotene, vitamin B, vitamin E and minerals potassium, calcium and magnesium, which makes it valuable in cases of heart disease, cancer and blood pressure and premenstrual tension. 

Blackberry also has a high iron content, making it one of the best manufacturers of blood. Blends well with plums. 

Cranberry Nutrition Facts: 

Cranberry juice is used for its healing properties as a cleaner urinary tract and natural diuretic. Cranberries are a source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, quinine, iron and potassium. Quinine helps maintain the health of the bladder, kidney and prostate cancer and has been found to be effective in preventing prostate cancer. Vitamin C and beta-carotene high content helps prevent colds and flu in the winter months. 

Grapefruit Nutrition Facts: 

Grapefruit belongs to the citrus family, lemons, oranges, limes, tangerines, clementines, and raisins contain. Grapefruit is also rich in vitamin C are good for defense against colds and helps prevent bleeding gums. 

Grapefruit is a good source of beta-carotene, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. Higher levels of pectin can be found in the white central part. It is responsible for controlling cholesterol and helps known for digestive problems. 

Bioflovanoids also found in Mark and have a protective effect on the anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin C and protect capillaries ships. 

Trim Nutrition Facts: 

Prunes are a variety of dried plums and are often used as a natural laxative. Prune juice is as strong as the whole fruit and so much healthier to treat constipation using synthetic laxatives. 

Raspberry Nutrition Facts: 

Raspberries are good cleaners especially mucous catarrhal conditions. They are natural astringents and can help sort, stomach problems and raspberry gum disease are rich in vitamin A and C and contain useful amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium, which make them valuable in the event of heart problems, fatigue or depression. A raspberry juice cocktail before meals stimulates the appetite and aids digestion. 

Papaya Nutrition Facts: 

The only thing that papaya is different from others is its amazing digestive properties. Papayas are rich in papain, an enzyme digestion of proteins, so effective that it is used in meat tenderizers and disintegrating agents. 

It is good for stomach ulcers and fever, and many people believe papayas are a great rejuvenator, the fight against premature aging. They also have the ability to restore a balance in the intestinal flora after antibiotic use. 

It is an effective laxative and cleansing for the liver, kidneys and intestines and is able to dissolve the excess mucus in the body. 

Papayas are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and E and the minerals calcium, phosphorus and iron. 

Melon nutrition facts: 

Melons belong to the same family as cucumbers. Both have a cooling effect on the body. Melons are an excellent fruit for juicing because of their high water content, making them first class diuretic, and good cleaning of the kidneys and skin cleansers. 

As with many other fruits and vegetables, most of the nutrients are in the meat directly on the skin, so be careful not to lose this part when peeling. There are many varieties of melons, including cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon and Galia to choose from. Melons are nutritious and are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and digestive enzymes 

Health and Nutrition

It is strongly recommended by the American Cancer Society as a healthy cure for cancer. Watermelons have the highest water content and are great natural diuretics and enrich the skin with minerals such as zinc and potassium packed. 

Melons should be eaten alone or on an empty stomach because it ferments very quickly in the stomach.

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